i'm prada, you're nada

March 25, 2015

Photocreds: The Boyfran
I've slacked a lot in the month of March. The weather has just been sucking and has been making me feel so uninspired and unmotivated. Well since I haven't posted in a while, here's some pictures from the other day! Oh and sassy picture for a sassy title, hehe. 
The day started with brunch at in LIC. The eggs benedict had sausage and some type of tomato. It was pretty tasty, minus the tomatoes since I'm not a tomato fan. Kyle got a man-mosa, which was beer which orange juice instead of champagne.  He said he should've just gotten a mimosa, girly drinks for the win! Kyle bought a groupon deal for MoMA PS1, and it was pretty interesting in there. The reflection art was so damn trippy, I stared at it for a good five minutes trying to figure out how? At first I thought the artist actually just put everything to create that a mirror effect, then I realized I saw a mirror, but then I wasn't sure if I saw a mirror or not. I don't know if that'll make any sense to you, but it was just trippy! Definitely want to go to MoMA next. For dinner we had reservations at Hakata Hot Pot. I've been wanting to try Japanese hot pot for a while, and decided to finally give it a try. The place was TINY. I know most St. Mark restaurants are tiny, but this was one of the tiniest I've ever stepped foot into. It's a little different from Chinese/Korean hot pot because you don't really choose side dishes to put in a pot, it's kind of a set dish, but it cooks in front of you in a hot pot. It seemed pretty healthy to me since there was a lot of cabbage and bean sprouts, but then I think the pork belly cancelled out the healthy. I'm not a huge cabbage or bean sprout fan but with the special sauce they gave us it was pretty yummy! After a few bites, you can add noodles and dumplings which was a good add-on. Can't end the night without dessert! I tried the creme brulee "dough'ssant" from Chikalicious and it was so so so good. That's all I have to say, so go try it for yourself. I'm actually craving it as we speak.
In a little over a week I'll be straight chilling in Dominican Republic and I simply cannot wait 8)

Jacket: Forever 21  Leggings: Necessary Clothing  Sweater: H&M  Shirt: Forever 21  Shoes: Steve Madden  Bag: Prada  Sunnies: Forever 21

Alobar: Long Island City
MoMA PS1: Long Island City
Hakata Hot Pot: St. Mark's
Chikalicious Dessert Club: St. Mark's

monochromatic color palette

March 11, 2015

Do I smell Spring coming?! It actually reached 60° here in NYC, where just a few days ago it was less than 20°. I even had to snapchat the 60°.  Was I the only one who was a bit weather confused while choosing what to wear today? It hasn't been so nice out that I was having a bit of an outfit crisis. I was going to wear sheer tights but I thought that was pushin' it so I decided to just not wear a jacket. It's been a long while since I've been able to walk outside without feeling like I just walked into a freezer.  It was still a bit windy and chilly but I am not complaining because it still felt amazing. Spring is definitely just around the corner ladies and gentlemen! 

Cardigan: H&M  Shirt: H&M  T-shirt: H&M  Leggings: Necessary Clothing  
Shoes: Steve Madden  Sunnies: Forever 21  Necklaces: Forever 21  Bag: Yves Saint Laurent

snow white

March 3, 2015

Finally an outfit of the day post! It's been a while, but I have honestly just been dressing like a bum because of this ridiculously cold weather. The cold leaves me so uninspired. Do you like my title? Because I'm wearing white, and it's snowing outside, ha ha ha.  Yes we are having another snow storm as we speak, joy! Supposedly this is the coldest winter we've had since 1994 which is pretty crazy.  
Well anyways! Here I paired a long-line cream blazer (I was inspired by my lovely fashionista friend @fionnac) because I loved her long white blazer from New Look. A scarf is a necessity for me once it hits about 40 degrees. I wear a scarf every. single. day. Remember I said I was going to get another blanket scarf in my "Blanket or scarf?" post, well here is the new baby! I think I actually like this one more because of the bright red color, you know how I love my red flannel, and it wraps better than the green one.  I was going to pair this outfit with different pants, but I got a huge bruise from snowboarding this past weekend on my shin area, so leggings are the only things that don't hurt me :(
I'm waiting for my 7PM class to be cancelled but my school is not sending me a text message.. Come on guys, it's dangerous out, let me stay home!

Blazer: Boohoo  Shirt: Boohoo  Leggings: Necessary Clothing  Scarf: Romwe  
Bracelets: Forever 21

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