Chicago Chillin Pt. 2

March 14, 2017

This was my outfit on our second day in Chicago. Holy shit, it's been about two months and a half since we were in Chicago and I am STILL not done with blog posts as well as our vlog.. I've just been so busy and when I have free time I don't want to write more or edit. I'm super close to finishing the vlog. All that's left is the fonts and graphics, which is the hard part I dread (which is why I haven't finished yet.) BUT hopefully it will be up within this week since I am on spring break.

Anyways.. this day was SUPER cold and I had 3 jackets, a tank, turtleneck, and chiffon shirt on. I think I was a little crazy to wear shorts with tights but I survived since my tights were heat tech ones. Heat tech is a life saver!

This day was a relaxing, easy day of tourist-y activities like millennium park, which is where the bean is, and trying popular foodie spots where we got to eat the delicious king crab benedict and unique tacos. We started our day with brunch at Mortar & Pestle, a mini review in my last Chicago post. It was a 30 minute wait and it was so worth the wait! We then ubered our way to millennium park for the famous bean. I really wonder why it's called there's a bean in Chicago, because bean town is Boston.. does anyone know?! That took us maybe a few minutes, but it's a typical tourist spot to snap some photos. We actually recorded my ootd a few steps away from the actual sculpture. We then just walked around the park to see what else was there. We found this pretty bridge with a pretty backdrop and no people so we took this advantage to have another mini photoshoot. Extremely tired, even though we didn't walk that much, we sat in the lobby of a museum, which we later found out we should have visited but we didn't want to pay for admission. Called another uber and we were off to velvet taco, where we ordered a must when you get tacos: baja fish tacos, along with a cuban taco and spicy chicken tikka masala taco. The cuban was a bit dry so that was my least favorite. You can't go wrong with a fried fish taco. But the tikka masala one was super interesting and yummy. It was actually quite spicy though, so if you can't take spice I wouldn't advise getting that. We decided to walk back to our hotel since it wasn't too far of a walk and we stopped by Barney's on the way. Barney's is a dangerous place and I love just looking and admiring bags (true bag lady.)

If I remember correctly we took a nap once we got back because we were so exhausted for some reason. For dinner we planned to go to an italian restaurant but called and found out it was booked for the night. So we yelped and came across RPM and omg so good! I also wrote a mini review in my other post so go check that out. After dinner we went back to our room, showered and drank some cheap barefoot wine, played 'speak out', watched whatever free movies were available, and talked until we passed out.


March 2, 2017

It's crazy how ridiculous the weather has been these days. In February, it's normal to have 30-40 degrees, but one day it'll be 30 and the next day it'll be 70. What?! That is NOT normal. We've seriously been having some bipolar weather over here. Yesterday was either hit 70 or almost did, but tomorrow is going to be a high of 40 with chances of snow. SNOW. Two days after 70 degrees. A few weeks ago I got sick -- aching body-type sick and I'm pretty sure the explanation for this is the rollercoaster weather we're experiencing. 

These past few weeks I haven't been feeling much like myself. I've been excessively angry for no reason. I don't know what's going on. A lot to blame would be the MTA, though. I commute to the city five days a week this semester, and it definitely starts to take a toll on you. Especially when every day is different; sometimes I get out of class late or there are train delays way out of my hand. Also, I take the LIRR so there's a set schedule and if you miss it, sometimes you have to wait 30 minutes for the next. Well, this semester I've missed multiple trains by a few seconds. That feeling is just so. frustrating. One day they terminated any LIRRs going into penn station so I had to transfer to the subway, which added an additional 30 minutes to my commute. If I were to ever move out of this city, a big reason, if not the number one reason, would be the MTA. 

I don't know why I've been like this these days, but maybe it's because of how mentally and physically drained I've become due to interning 3 days a week and going to grad school full-time. I have almost no time to myself that I try to take advantage the time I do have alone. I've never wanted a semester to end as badly as this semester. I'm only about half way done and I CANNOT wait until it's all over. Being like this has left me so uninspired and lazy and I'm not liking it one bit. Hopefully I will overcome this little bump, and soon! 

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